martial arts
Build Your Self-Esteem By Practicing Martial Arts
Martial arts have been practiced and utilized since antiquity, steadfastly carried forth through many generations of mankind in diverse societies, through times…
Adult Martial Arts for Physical Fitness
Martial arts are a great all-round fitness aid. Besides the obvious advantage of feeling more secure being able to defend yourself and…
Martial Arts Help Keep Kids Safe
Their children’s safety remains for most parents a top level concern and consideration. We live in a perilous world where children are…
Martial Arts and ADD/ADHD in Young Children
Attention deficit disorder, commonly referred to ADD, is a condition that afflicts a large number of young children in today’s society. The…
Keeping Children Fit Through Martial Arts Fun
Fitness and exercise are crucial to the healthy functioning of both the mind and the body. Some individuals are naturally active, as…
A History of the Martial Arts
Martial arts originated more than 2000 years ago and since have developed and split into more than 200 styles existing today. Since…